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Voodo Fé Reinvents The Path of Art and Entrepreneurship

Updated: Aug 10, 2020

Artist Voodo Fé - Photography by Paul Storey

Voodo Fé is a prolific Renaissance Artist with over 8,000 works of art in multiple mediums. He designs for iconic brands like Calvin Klein, DKNY, the NFL, the NBA and was commissioned to do a piece for Beyoncé. He is doing a lot of abstract work, music, fashion design, graphics, toy design & jewelry. "I realized that whatever I’m creating is usually done before I touch anything and all I got to do, is do exactly what’s happening in my head. It’s like breathing, I have to do it or die. A lot of the time, the meaning of the piece will come clear to me after it’s done."

Being diagnosed with bipolar disorder and dyslexia, Voodo Fé's life took a roller coaster turn once he started using his weaknesses as tools for creation. "I had to reteach myself how to learn by using audiobooks. The first book I listened to was ‘Creative Visualization’ by Shakti Gawain, it was a self help book and helped me change my mind about myself."

Voodo Fé at Work

Art for Voodo is a force of change and a process of personal growth. He is developing something called ArtScience, a new way to use color and image theory to help people feel better. At his Spot in Brooklyn, he created an art experience using two rooms. The first is decorated with colored in earth tones, blues and greens colors that naturally calm you down, and the other room is the Pop room, with bright, electric colored artwork that pick your emotions up. "We take a stress test to quantify the data to prove that your stress levels go down in room one and your excitement picks up in the second. Our goal is to use this data to get art back into schools and to have it protected legislatively."

Artwork by Voodo Fé - Photography by Paul Storey

All of Voodo's art is centralized under an identity or a brand he created based on the core values he and his community stand for. This business way of thinking is driving his art practice both from a fundamental perspective and a financial one as well. It gives him the opportunity to sell more works and generate an income to develop his practice forward. "Most of the people around me are artists and entrepreneurs. We got our own thing happening, carving our own paths." In short, Voodo Fé isn't looking for any kind of approval.

"Who is this special person that gets to tell people how art should and shouldn’t be..? Who’s this magical wizard with all the power that we all need to bow down to and beg for their approval..?"

Artwork by Voodo Fé

He is very clear on his vision when it comes to art and entrepreneurship. "Simply, I think the marriage between the creativity of art and the predictability of business is the path to generational wealth. When I’m asked to give advice on business, I always say, first find out what you would do for free for the rest of your life and turn that into your business. Your guaranteed to put the work in because you already love it. Start where you stand and build!

The Spot for Art, 572 Myrtle Ave in Brooklyn, NY

Voodo is a painter who doesn’t go to art shows and a fashion designer who doesn’t do fashion shows. He is developing a new way to tell a story called SAM (Story, Art, Music). It merges those 3 disciplines into one. "We are releasing our first SAM in Sept, for Phoenix and the Shadow! And we always have something cool happening at our Spot." If anyone wants to visit his shop, it’s The Spot 572 Myrtle Ave in Brooklyn NY or visit



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